Small Group Coaching

Raising a family is expensive, and many parents look to cut costs wherever they can. Oftentimes, this leaves little room for things that seem like luxuries. Coaching is a business like any other, and may often be viewed an unnecessary commodity. However, focusing on the functionality of your family should never be a luxury, and we have options to accommodate thatSmall group coaching provides many benefits besides economical sense. Besides being the more cost effective choice, you also have the ability to experience the coaching process with other parents or guardians who are dealing with the same struggles you are. It provides a support system that would be difficult to obtain otherwise, and it creates an environment where all parents can share ideas and methods that may prove useful to others, in a structured, guided session.

While being less personalized for your particular family, small group sessions are a wonderful idea for child care staff, club advisors, people who all have children of similar ages or afflictions, or any common interest.

Ideally groups are no more than six, in an effort to preserve the intimate connection that makes such sessions so beneficial. Group sessions help to promote accountability, diverse brainstorming, and extensive encouragement.